Frequently asked questions
Our clients have trusted our industry knowledge and expertise for over 100 years. Below are some of the most commonly asked questions we hear regarding machine safety, ISO standards and more.
What should be considered before starting safety implementation in a machine?
Without a doubt, the first step in the safety implementation process is the machine safety risk assessment. There are a few methodologies available to help you achieve this first step. At Wieland, we strongly recommend following the international standard ISO 12100. To learn more, visit our standards and regulations page.
Do safety-related ISO standards meet the national legislation requirements?
What speed is considered safe for manual mode?
Should a reset function come from a standard PLC or a Safety PLC?
What are the benefits of safety devices in comparison with standard devices?
Can I stop the machine safety system and safely inspect the process closely with the guards open?
What is the difference between machine safety and process safety?
What is the correct distance I should install my Light Curtain?
S = Safe Distance
K= (1.6 – 2 m/s)
T= Time for machine to come to a complete stop
C= Deep Penetration Factor also known as DPF
However, depending on the specific Light Curtain mounting, this formula could have some variations. As a result, we recommend reviewing ISO 13855 for further details. Once implemented, you will be required to measure the stop time with a certified device and validate the safety distance.